Tuesday 17 October 2017

#75 St. Nestor of Magydos - – Lessons on Trust in God Alone - Seek No Consolations other than God – Attachments to the Earth Prolong a Painful Existence

St Nestor gives details of his Apostolate and Martyrdom – The Pleasures of the Earth do not give Merits – Suffering a Great Treasure – The Spirit of Detachment – Seek No Consolations other than God – Attachments to the Earth Prolong a Painful Existence

Ecstasy date September 5, 1878

May the peace of Our Lord be with you, dear Brothers of the Cross, may His love strengthen you! May His goodness give you hope!

I am Saint Nestor, Bishop and Martyr. I died for my God, stretched on racks. I died on the cross.
I lived in past centuries. I initially had the intention of leaving the world and entering solitude, but God decided otherwise. I was elected Bishop and was destined to spread the faith among non-Christian peoples.

After a few years in the ministry of Bishop, I was a martyr. This is how God decided my martyrdom. I travelled the earth to convert the infidels. A kind of jealousy and ill will was aroused among the people and immediately I suffered abuse. It was not yet the time of martyrdom. I lived three more years after the first persecution. I redoubled my preaching. The stronger God's love was in my soul, the more my zeal gave me dedication, a boundless charity for that poor people. After I had preached the doctrine of Jesus Christ, the unfaithful people came together and conspired against me and put me to death.

My martyrdom was very long in torments. They tortured me on racks. Seeing that I was still living and that nothing took my life, they decided to crucify me on a tree, but I was not dead. I was dragged, beaten by these people. Arriving at the place of execution I was stripped, they twisted my members, they broke my teeth with instruments that you do not know about. I was pierced with needles of iron, especially in the most sensitive parts. I was then placed on the tree, very wide and very large. I was attached with four nails. The torments just made my face glow more with happiness. They pinned my head on the tree. They hit my head so hard my head was broken and my face distorted. My head was flattened against the tree of crucifixion. Seeing that I was still breathing, they cut off my head and I expired in torment and pain.

They wanted to leave my blood and my wounds to lapped by animals, but they (compassionate witnesses?) refused and cried because of my martyrdom. Then the infidels shut up my body in a wooden box and their intention was frightening! (I.e. they planned a terrible desecration to the body.) But God knows everything, He sent chosen souls to ask for my body. They too were beaten, but the infidels yielded to their request. That is how I was carried away and how my body was removed from the infamous sacrilege that the unfaithful people intended to do.

I come, now, to say a word on behalf of Our Lord.

We are all more or less, martyrs on this earth, we all are.
There is no richer Treasure, nothing more precious than to suffer for God.

Let the world laugh at you, let it chase you in every way, as long as you serve God and that you love Him (while) on earth. There is only one happiness, one love, one joy, it is God who has all these riches. What (purpose) is it to have enjoyment on the earth? To have complete freedom in all things? It is a happiness, but happiness without merit. Why do you focus so much on this earth? Why is there such a liking to listen to what the earth repeats? We must use this vain and meritless time to think of God, to pray, to ask Him for the graces we need. (I.e, do not idly spend your time on earth's fleeting enjoyments that do not give heavenly merit.)

Why do they still neglect to trust in God (in order to) occupy themselves with another trust of mud and dust? (I.e, to place trust in mankind and the earth that is but dust?) This trust, is the most lowest, it is the last, it is that which comes from creatures … . (I.e. attachment to creatures.)

To become perfect, in all the graces of Heaven, we must (be) withdrawn and in this same withdrawing, the mind and thoughts. (I.e. to practise the spirit of detachment and solitude.) You have to recollect into your interior ... Those who suffer need to know that to withdraw is an advantage and that they are in a good path … They must take pain for a spouse and reject everything else ... Whoever is espoused to it (i.e. suffering) does not need anything else, other places, other companions to talk with or to console. Suffering will suffice, for nothing else will ... God possesses everything. God is the sovereign Comforter, the earth does not console ... The more one detaches from it, (the earth), the more a new life will approach. Often, we prolong painful existences by too many ties to the world and creatures. The way to shorten this miserable existence is to remove everything and receive God as our only Consoler, to say every thing to Him, to tell Him all …

I wish the children of God and the Cross, the strength and courage, and above all this great detachment will soon come in peace and in the House that the Lord prepares you.
It should reassure you that the Lord promises you His protection.”


(Image above: the martyrdom of St. Nestor of Magydos, Miniature from the Menologion of Basil II)

Biography provided by the “Friends of Marie-Julie” / “Sanctuary Website” : Saint Nestor died in 251. He was Bishop of Magydos in Pamphylia (southern Asia Minor). He was crucified during the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius (249-251). Saint Nestor was so beloved, having exhorted the faithful from the top of his cross, that the pagans knelt with the Christians. Feast Day February 26.

A Serbian Orthodox website says: “Nestor was distinguished by great meekness. In the time of Decius, he was taken for trial and harshly tortured for Christ. At the time of his death, he saw in a vision a lamb prepared for sacrifice, which he interpreted as a sign of his own imminent sacrifice. He was tortured by the Eparch Publius and finally crucified in Perga in the year 250.” (Source.)

Wikipedia states: “His courage and authority were so noteworthy that a Roman magistrate uttered these words: "Until we have got the better of the bishop, we shall be powerless against the Christians." He was arrested under Emperor Decius, and sentenced to death by the local Roman governor, Pollio or Epolius of Lycia, after refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods of the state.


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